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How Long Do Oak Trees Live?

You may be asking yourself: How long do oak trees live? The following article will cover the life span of Live, Interior, and canyon live oaks. Laurel and Chestnut oaks have a lifespan of more than one hundred years. But which type of oak is the best for your yard? Read on to discover the […]

Where Do Oak Wood Beams Come From?

You may be wondering, where do oak wood beams come from. The answer is that they’re sourced from reclaimed oak trees, old growth trees, and hardwoods. This article will explore these and other options. But before you choose your beams, remember that there are some things to consider. First, you should know what kind of […]

How to Treat Oak Beams

The condition of your oak beams can vary depending on their use. This article will cover the following: Wood aging, cleaning with water and vinegar, and applying wood stain. Once you know the condition of your oak beams, you’ll be well on your way to keeping them in good condition. If you want to keep […]

What Is Oak Wood Used For?

What is oak wood used for? Oaks are an important hardwood for many uses, including furniture, flooring, and building materials. The bark from cork oak is used to make wine stoppers; this species grows in Mediterranean countries such as Spain and Portugal. Acorns are used as flour and coffee, and white oak is used in […]